8 Fun Ways to Blow Off Steam

8 Fun Ways to Blow Off Steam

Steam Room - 8 Fun Ways to Blow Off Steam

Hi friends. Today, I discovered Steam Room - 8 Fun Ways to Blow Off Steam. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you.

The other evening when my girls and I were out walking we came close to the playground and I noticed a girl, about 10 years old, who was swinging as fast, as hard, and as passionately as she could. From my vantage point, behind her, I could see how she thrust her legs out as she swung up and then tucked them hard under her as she swung back. Thrust up, tuck back, thrust up, tuck back. She moved with such compel and power that you approximately felt that she'd just had a huge discussion with her playmate and was blowing off some steam. I remember those days; how about you? Even now I wish we could all blow off steam like that when we find ourselves in sticky spots but since most of our cubicles, offices, and homes don't come with a handy swing set ready and waiting, we have to find other ways to get rid of any extra harmful power we carry. Here are my favorite ways to do this:

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Steam Room

1. Disassociate from the moment during junior high (still the worst years of my life by the way), I advanced the coping strategy of going into the bathroom stall and resting my head in my hands while taking deep, calming breaths. To get away from the crowded hallways, want to-be friends, bullies, and all the other crap that comes with junior high, I would think about something far removed from school. I still use that coping skill today and I admit that I sometimes use a bathroom stall if it's the only place I can get away to. Shifting your focus from the current situation energizes your mind so you can return to your everyday life with more focus.

2. Engage in Music Therapy I just stepped into the 21st century a few weeks ago; I bought my first Mp3 player! There's something about putting my favorite music on that changes my mood and even whisks me away to a new world entirely. Often it inspires me to start dancing like I'm 13 again! Getting my body engaging and grooving (and even breaking a itsybitsy sweat now and again) is so much fun...and a great way to issue a lot of tension.

3. Stretch I am thankful that my job doesn't need me to be away from my home very often (of policy I specifically designed my life like this). But with two toddlers pulling at me, sitting on me, and just basically staying very "busy", being at home can get mundane, chaotic, and tiring. Sometimes, when I need to, I'll stop everything, get in the middle of the floor and start doing stretches and deep breathing. By now even my 22-month toddlers can do pretty mean downward-facing-dog and warrior I poses...this lightens the mood for all of us!

4. Nap or naturally be Still Oh, my whole one activity! I need a break in the middle of the day and I'm "guilty" of taking regular naps or, at the very least, zoning out for 30 minutes (although it can be up to 2 hours) every particular day. Getting quiet and allowing room for gaps in the middle of your thoughts is a great way to slow down a frantic day. No Tv, radio, kids, pets, or any other noise - just silence.

5. Read a Good Book I love to read and my shelves are filled to the brim with psychological and self-help material. But I do enjoy a good novel now and again. certainly the self-help stuff can be such a drag sometimes because it's heavy with "to-dos" but novels are my "just for fun" reading.

6. Clean Your House This sounds like a strange one, I know...but this energizes me too! This falls right in line with having a mission and following through with tasks so that in the end, after a short whole of time, you have finished something. Plus, doesn't it feel Great sitting in a freshly cleaned house?

7. Talk to man When you just need to vent, call up that one man you can talk to no matter what the topic. Telephone, instant message, text...engage in whatever form of communication that works for you.

8. Go to the Playground I'll admit that watching kids play is tiring; their power never stops! But the flip side of this is that they are getting rid of excess power in such a healthy, positive, and fun way! And as adults, we can do the same thing. Don't be afraid to hop on a swing and, just like the young girl I mentioned earlier, give that swing all you've got!

I hope you get new knowledge about Steam Room. Where you can put to use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Steam Room. Read more.. 8 Fun Ways to Blow Off Steam.

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